Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I love Seattle

I meant to post these forever ago. I stumbled upon them when I was figuring out what to post tonight (since I'm lazy and haven't taken any for awhile) and was like "oh!"
So here you go. =) They're in order of worst to best in my opinion. All were taken at Pike Place Market.
The last picture is the Pike Place sign, but from behind. In case you didn't realize.
I like looking at things from new and unique perspectives. Sue me.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I want to leave

This are also old but I love them so much. They remind me of better times.
That sounded so...emo. ahahahaha
I'm just not in a great mood today. In general, life if good right now.
But I would LOVE to leave. To travel some. To get away
and forget.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To make up for it....

These are some pictures I took last summer that I'm rather fond of. Hopefully they make up for my-terrible-excuse-for-a-picture from before. Forgive me? I even brought you flowers C:
Tell me what you think, k?


The name of the tea is ironic.
I haven't been getting a lot of sleep. Therefore I've become lazy and my pictures are kinda shitty right now.

Monday, February 23, 2009


The second one wasn't taken my me, obviously, because I'm in it. hahaha
Keven took that one. It's only fair since it's his camera that I've been thieving. heh
We visited Ft. Lewis on our way to PLU (for my music audish) and it was awesome. Memories came flooding back. And a visit there isn't a visit until we go to the army museum.
Thus, the tanks.
Keven named all the vehicles and weapons without even a glance at the microscopic signs next to them. That kid's got skillz, yo
Over and out

Friday, February 20, 2009

America's Past Time

It was gorgeous out today. I could not possibly stay inside with the sunlight beckoning me.
And so my brothers and I went to the park.
David and Daniel played like the monkies they are and Keven and I played catch.
It's been awhile. We're a little rusty but it was all good.
I love baseball. Almost as much as music. That's saying something.
On that note: Ken Griffey Jr. signed a year long contract with the Mariners :D
He's my favorite player of all time. I'm so excited. I'm going to go to as many games as possible.
Anyone wanna go?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sleeeeeepover! :D

Who ever said that girls can't eat alot or won't eat a lot...
yeah, you're wrong.
Look at this.
If life has taught me anything it's: if four girls are hungry, they can eat a shit load more than you'd think could fit in their tiny bodies.
Four girls can devour three pizzas in one sitting.
Trust me.
Four girls can empty a fridge in one sleepover. We didn't, but we coulda.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Role Models

I look up to this guy.
It's funny because it's literal. Get with the program.
In all seriousness though, this bird has some serious addiction issues. When he tries to go without Cocoa Puffs he begins to see them everywhere. I'm glad I don't have addiction issues.
Granted, I've eaten Cocoa Puffs since I was seven.
Sometimes I don't like change. Sometimes.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Birthday Birthday Birthday

I like to be creative whenever possible. What can I say? =)
Creative angle FTW

Lickin' the candles.

End result.
Today was a good birthday. It wasn't HOLY SHIT AMAZING or HOLY SHIT TERRIBLE.
It was good. I am content. I am at peace. I feel good.
I'm an adult now. And that scares the shit outta me.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jose is Lonesome

This is one of my favorite's of this awesome Mexican rubber duck. (made in China probably, hahaha)
And all I have to say is:
I feel ya, Jose. I'm having one of those days. Tengo uno....ah nevermind. He speaks English.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fluff, Not Fat

Not my best work.
And not the most flattering angle of my kitty.
His name is Lucky. He earned that title, trust me. He survived Final Destination style (without the future seeing) from a dog attack in which all his siblings were killed and for the first few months I had him he kept getting into sticky situations where he could have easily died. But he didn't.
I guess Death just gave up. He's a lucky cat. Thus the name.
He's a big cat. He's not like, World Record size but he's thirteen pounds. I blame the fluff, but those logical friends of mine gimme a look and say "No, Christine, he's fat."
Either way, I love my kitty.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


It's frustrating because it's repeatitive. I've had to listen to Lamus lecture about sine and cosine graphs for an hour everyday for weeks. It's the only part of Pre-Cal I understand. So learning and relearning and doing practice problems is torture. How do people not understand it yet? I'm bad at math and I got it the first day.
It's haunting me.

On another note
I had to walk home today. Which is fine, I suppose, but I also had to pick up my brother at Olivia Park. Go out of my way. And I was hungry, dammit.
So I get there, walk into the office, and they tell me that he took the walking line.
I walked all the way there for nothing.
I was pissed.
How hard is it to call Mariner to let me know I didn't need to pick Daniel up, Mom?!

It's the little things that get to me.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Achievers eats your soul O_O

This is the reason for my frustration. *points to picture*
These people hound you to no end, I swear. I know they are just there to help and I appreciate them when they do help.
But when I'm harrassed about FAFSA (which I have already done), college apps (four is enough), and scholarships (it's my future, not theirs) it get's annoying. It's a broken record and I'm about to throw it across the room.