Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This is an AT-AT from Star Wars. It is located on top of Storrs' television in his class. The first day of school I correcntly identified this piece of pop culture and was looked upon with praise from then on.
Well....until I turned in my first essay....heh.
I liked the angle. It's like....looming over you 0_0

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I wish I were a cat...

ah, the joys of being a domestic feline.
Sleeping on your owner's clothes
all day.
Getting up only to eat.
And getting cranky when said owner wakes you with her camera.
Sounds like my kind of living *sighs*
p.s. my cat should be a model. he's gorgeous

Thursday, March 26, 2009

she's dreaming of spring

I saw daisies today as I walked home. It made my heart jump because I need spring to be here.
You need to under that spring is my least favorite season to understand the significance of that last sentence. I'm so tired of crappy weather it's not even funny.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I love history

I forgot to put this up after I went to the military museum.
Brownie points if you can tell me what Killroy is. ;)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Back to the 80's Day Two: big hair and big eyes

I look like a friggin' doll.
Evie looks crazy. But that's why I love her. <3
I was in love with my hair yesterday. Until I had to wash all the hair spray out. What a bitch.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Compliments to the Evster

Thanks for putting the stage makeup on my face, dear. I appreciate it :)
Yesterday was opening night for BACK TO THE 80's and I had a freakin' blast. I'm not even an actor. I'm part of the band, but ohmygoodness we rocked the house.
I think, sometimes, I was meant to be a performer.
Except that I get nervous in front of people. It's terrible. I'm a mess. I could never be an actress. I would forget every line.
But music?
Yeah, I could do that. I need some jam buddies.
Oh wait. I already have some.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Where'd it go?

Oh there it is!
I was afraid it was gone forever!
Thank goodness, I was goin' crazy lookin' for it.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Told you so

*scruffy voice* "I'm a man of my wuuuuurd"
hahahaha, I love the Joker
I'm not a man, FYI
enjoy teh hands

Monday, March 16, 2009

I gots stufffff ta do

I will get more creative when I have time to get creative.
I promise.
p.s. Eddie Murphy is freakin' hilarious

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Four hours of sleep

That's an orchestra festival for you.
Junk food and no sleep
Oh, and performing.
It's hard to perform when I can't even keep my eyes open long enough to see and comprehend the music.
It's not my fault I couldn't fall asleep,by the way.
It's not my fault I'm a light sleeper.

I love the color of the stalls in this bathroom at WWU's Music Hall
I dunno why...


Thursday, March 12, 2009


Maybe I should clean my room...
I am an organized mess.
I know where stuff is. Just because it's an eye sore doesn't mean it's not comfortable.
But my mother insists that I clean this disaster zone. Why? I ask. No one sees it. I'm not trying to impress anyone. This is my hole away from the real world, not a museum (though there's probably some forgotten treasures hiding in there somewhere...) The Pope isn't visiting right?
Didn't think so.
The fact that I'm the biggest pack rat ever doesn't help my situation. What I call "collections" my mother calls "trash"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Love of My Life

1965 Ford F-100 Pickup Truck
I love it.
I want it.
But, alas, I do not have four thousand dollars
or a license.
So....it's a bit problematic.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I wish I could nap all day like this guy.
I had a picture of Nina, my other kitty, so I thought it was only fair to get a picture of Lucky on here.
Here he is in all his fluffy glory.
Falling asleep on my clothes.
Isn't he ADORABLE?!?!?

Saturday, March 7, 2009


By "Success" I mean with the picture. I finally got one uploaded. Yay!
Success has nothing to do with what the picture is of, unfortunately. I spoke too soon when it came to verifying trig functions. I am still ahead of the curve and I know what I'm doing but there were a couple a problems that kicked my ass. It wasn't pretty.
And, thanks to the Boys Basketball team (whom I fully support), I missed three days of school. So I haven't had a chance to ask Lamus for help =(
Maybe next week.
This is the first picture from my NEW CAMERA that I've posted. Duh.
His name is Isaac (the camera)
I love him.
Him and my father are the only men in my life. And I'm fine with that.

New Camera!!

I love my new camera. But do you know what sucks about this?
It takes HD pictures (which is AWESOME) but my internet is slow so it takes ass loads of time to upload things.
I'm not a patient woman.
So...pictures will come, don't worry, but not today.When I figure out where the best connection is in my house, then maybe I'll get some pictures up.
I want you guys to see them! They're kick ass!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'll focus on the positive since I've been complaining and annoyed all day.
It's only healthy.
The first picture is of feet. Feet of beautiful people. (The ones on the right are mine ^^) Taken at school.
The other two are of instruments. The first is cello scrolls and the last in my baby, i.e. my viola. <3

My camera should be coming soon. I have a feeling it will be this week and I hope my feeling is accurate. I wouldn't be able to stand waiting much longer. Plus, I feel bad for using Keven's all the time. =/

Monday, March 2, 2009


This is one of my cats. I guess she's officially ours. It's been a year and no one wants her.
I named her Nina.
MY cat, Lucky, doesn't like her very much. Probably cuz he's trying to be all macho and doesn't want "some woman" in his territory.
For real, though? He's a wuss.

When I get a camera of my own (which should be any day now) the pictures will be more frequent and in better quality. I promise.

Love you guys