Saturday, March 28, 2009

I wish I were a cat...

ah, the joys of being a domestic feline.
Sleeping on your owner's clothes
all day.
Getting up only to eat.
And getting cranky when said owner wakes you with her camera.
Sounds like my kind of living *sighs*
p.s. my cat should be a model. he's gorgeous


  1. oh! he's so luscious! haha I wish I was him too! what a lifestyle...

  2. Thanks for proving my point that Cats are useless. They do nothing fior the owner. The owner does everything for the Cat. I love you anyway, even if you are a cat lover.

  3. Third one is my favorrrrrite. Your cat looks fierce. Hehe. I had a kitten for a week, it was fun but I wouldn't let it sleep in my room because I was paranoid it would maul me in my sleep. :( I wanna photograph your cat!
